1100 - MEU - Mendocino "Howard Forest"
Local Net | 151.3850 | tone 110.9 |
1200 - HUU - Humboldt-Del Norte "Fortuna"
Local Net | 151.2500 | tone 110.9 |
1400 - LNU - Lake-Napa-Sonoma "St. Helena"
Local Net East | 151.3400 | tone 136.5 |
Local Net West | 151.4600 | tone 136.5 |
Napa County Fire | 154.4150 | tone 131.8 |
1500 - MRN - Marin "Woodacre"
Mutual Aid Net | 151.0400 | tone 146.2 |
1600 - SCU - Santa Clara "Morgan Hill"
Local Net | 151.4450 | tone 156.7 |
Command | 151.1225 | tone 156.7 |
1700 - CZU - San Mateo-Santa Cruz "Felton"
Local Net | 151.3700 | tone 167.9 |
2100 - BTU - Butte "Oroville"
Local Net | 151.4000 | tone 110.9 |
Butte Support | 154.4150 | tone 110.9 |
2200 - LMU - Lassen-Modoc "Susanville"
Local Net | 151.2500 | tone 123.0 |
2300 - NEU - Nevada-Yuba-Placer "Grass Valley"
Local Net East | 154.1300 | tone 131.8 |
Local Net West | 151.3250 | tone 131.8 |
Placer Command | 156.2400 | tone 110.9 |
Nevada Co Fire | 153.9650 | tone 100.0 |
Foothill Fire | 155.9850 | tone 186.2 |
2400 - SHU - Shasta-Trinity "Redding"
Local Net | 151.1600 | tone 136.5 |
Shasta Command | 154.4300 | tone 136.5 |
2500 - TGU - Tehama-Glenn "Red Bluff"
Local Net | 151.3700 | tone 146.2 |
2600 - SKU - Siskiyou "Yreka"
Local Net | 151.325 | tone 156.7 |
2700 - AEU - Amador-El Dorado "El Camino"
Local Net | 151.1900 | tone 146.2 |
El Dorado Command | 155.9025 | tone 186.2 |
Amador Command | 153.935 | tone 123.0 |
3100 - RRU - Riverside "Perris"
Local Net 1 (West) | 151.3850 | tone 110.9 |
Local Net 2 (Command) | 151.1750 | tone 110.9 |
Local Net 3 (East) | 151.1300 | none |
Riverside Command 1 | 154.1000 | none |
3300 - MVU - San Diego "Monte Vista"
Local Net 1 | 151.1900 | tone 131.8 |
Local Net 2 | 151.3325 | tone 131.8 |
San Diego City Cmd | 158.9700 | tone 103.5 |
County Command 1 | 154.1750 | tone 103.5 |
County Command 2 | 156.2250 | tone 107.2 |
County Command 3 | 153.9950 | tone 110.9 |
County Command 5 | 153.8900 | none |
San Diego Air/Ground | 156.1650 | tone 107.2 |
3400 - SLU - San Luis Obispo "San Luis"
Local Net | 151.3250 | tone 136.5 |
County Dispatch | 154.3850 | tone 82.5 |
County Command 4 | 151.0550 | tone 192.8 |
3500 - BDU - San Bernardino "San Bernardino"
Local Net 1 | 151.4450 | tone 146.2 |
Local Net 2 | 151.3250 | tone 146.2 |
Local Net 3 | 151.2500 | tone 146.2 |
County Net V2 | 159.1200 | tone 167.9 |
County Net V3 | 151.1525 | tone 167.9 |
4100 - TUU - Tulare "Visalia"
Local Net | 151.1900 | tone 110.9 |
County Fire Net | 154.0100 | tone 131.8 |
4200 - MMU - Madera-Mariposa-Merced "Mariposa"
Local Net 1 | 151.4600 | tone 123.0 |
Local Net 2 | 151.1525 | tone 123.0 |
Madera Command | 153.1850 | tone 123.0 |
4300 - FKU - Fresno-Kings "Fresno"
Local Net 1 | 151.3850 | tone 131.8 |
Local Net 2 | 151.1600 | tone 131.8 |
County Dispatch | 154.4450 | tone 131.8 |
4400 - TCU - Tuolumne-Calaveras "San Andreas"
Local Net | 151.1750 | tone 136.5 |
Tuolumne Command | 151.1300 | tone 136.5 |
Calaveras Command | 151.6625 | tone 136.5 |
4600 - BEU - San Benito-Monterey "Monterey"
Local Net East | 151.2500 | tone 156.7 |
Local Net West | 151.3325 | tone 156.7 |
Frequency list - sorted by Frequencies. Exclusive design and perfect for any CALFIRE radio enthusiast.
CALFIRE Radio - how the radio system works
Major Fires - how to listen to large incidentsCalFire Command Nets
tone 103.5 for RX
Command #1 - 151.3550 - Statewide
Command #2 - 151.2650 - Statewide
Command #3 - 151.3400 - Southern California
Command #4 - 151.4000 - Central Coast and Lower San Juaquin Valley
Command #5 - 151.3175 - Lower Sierra/Alpine
Command #6 - 151.2500 - North Bay - Wine Country
Command #7 - 151.4600 - Upper Sierra - Sacramento Valley
Command #8 - 151.4450 - North Coast
Command #9 - 151.1750 - North Sacramento Valley
Command #10 - 151.1900 - Northeast California
Command #11 - 151.1675 - Statewide portable repeater use
Ground Tactical Nets
tone 192.8 for RX
Tac #1 - 151.2575
Tac #2 - 151.1600 - used by MEU, NEU, SCU, SNU
Tac #3 - 151.1750 - used by HUU, LMU, MEU, CZU, TGU
Tac #4 - 151.1900 - used by SKU, TGU
Tac #5 - 151.2500 - used by BTU, LNU, NEU, SNU
Tac #6 - 151.3250 - used by MEU, CZU, SCU, SNU
Tac #7 - 151.3400 - used by HUU, SKU
Tac #8 - 151.3700 - used by SKU
Tac #9 - 151.3850 - used by BTU, NEU, SCU, SHU, SKU
Tac #10 - 151.4000 - used by HUU, LMU, CZU, SCU, SKU, SNU
Tac #11 - 151.4450 - used by BTU, MEU, SHU, SKU
Tac #12 - 151.4600 - used by BTU, SHU, SKU
Tac #13 - 151.3775
Tac #14 - 159.2250
Tac #15 - 159.2700
Tac #16 - 159.2850
Tac #17 - 159.3150
Tac #18 - 159.3450
Tac #19 - 159.3600
Tac #20 - 159.3750
Tac #21 - 159.3900
Tac #22 - 159.4050
Tac #23 - 159.4500
Tac #24 - 151.3175
Tac #25 - 159.3525
Tac #26 - 159.2925
Tac #27 - 159.3075
Tac #28 - 151.1825
Tac #29 - 151.3475
Tac #30 - 151.3925
Tac #31 - 159.3825
Tac Nets 14-31 may be used as Air to Ground on extended incidents
Air Tactical Nets
tone 110.9 for RX
Air Tactics 4 - 151.2800
Air Tactics 5 - 151.2950
Air Tactics 6 - 151.3100
Air Tactics 21 - 151.2725
Air Tactics 22 - 151.2875
Air Tactics 23 - 151.3025
Air Tactics 24 - 151.3625
Air to Ground
tone 192.8 for RX
Air Ground 1 - 151.2200
Air Ground 2 - 159.2625
Air Ground 3 - 159.3675
Click here for better understanding on how Air Tactics and Air to Ground are utilized.
Interoperability and Mutual Aid
Additional ground tactics often used between state and local government, or larger incidents
VFIRE 21 | 154.2800 | tone 156.7 |
VFIRE 22 | 154.2650 | tone 156.7 |
VFIRE 23 | 154.2950 | tone 156.7 |
VFIRE 24 | 154.2725 | tone 156.7 |
VFIRE 25 | 154.2875 | tone 156.7 |
VFIRE 26 | 154.3025 | tone 156.7 |
VTAC 11 | 151.1375 | tone 156.7 |
VTAC 12 | 154.4525 | tone 156.7 |
VTAC 13 | 158.7375 | tone 156.7 |
VTAC 14 | 159.4725 | tone 156.7 |